Today was absolutely full and beyond description. We were walking places that everyone from Abraham to David to the prophets to the Maccabees to Yeshua and his disciples walked. We sat on the steps approaching Temple Mount that are on the outside of the Wailing Wall. This is where Neil Armstrong exclaimed that being here was much more moving than walking on the moon.
We walked to the Eastern Gates which the Messiah is prophesied to enter Jerusalem through when he comes again. The Ottomans were so intent on keeping this from happening that they sealed up those gates with stone. As if that is going to stop or even slow down our powerful and victorious King. They have covered the area with graves of Muslims thinking that will prevent His coming because He wouldn’t be able to come through a graveyard without breaking Torah. Yehovah laughs at them in derision. The entire tour group, around 300 of us?, gathered outside those gates and sang praises. The Muslim guards way high up on the wall were furious but we kept on singing.
Then we crossed over to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. We had communion there in the evening remembering Yeshua’s night there before he was arrested. But this is also where He is going to return to. His feet will be on the Mount of Olives and it will split into two. And then he will continue down the slope, across the Kidron Valley, and enter via the Eastern Gates (also referred to as the Golden Gates). And we walked that this very night.
Tomorrow we trace some more of the places Yeshua was that last night and we go to the Garden Tomb. After another full day we have a farewell dinner and then take the bus to the airport in Tel Aviv. I expect I’ll have some time to post a bit more when I am at JFK.
Thank you for the message, Rachael! I am looking forward to seeing all of you.
Hard to believe you are almost on your way home! What an incredibly SHORT time to have filled with SO MUCH LIFE!! We are eagerly looking forward to all the stories!